Page 6
Some beautiful hands in this page! I <3 hands.
In livestream news I’ll be doing Shades of A as normal on Thursday, but this Friday and the following monday I’ll be away as I’m going to Dublin Comic con! We’re catching the 3am ferry so updates will resume normally on Thursday. Miss you!
oh man… at least that got sorted quickly, but now I’m curious what Kelly has to tell a group like that. I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m really liking Veronica’s vp, but now I kinda wish we were getting some of inside Kelly’s head. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.
If the regular story patterns continue then later ‘Ron(nie) we’ll get Kelly’s side of the story as well. Apologies for the pun but it just appeared out of the aether.
It took me AGES to figure out that pun, but I’m glad I did :P
Well then my job here is pun ¦D
I was totally confused at first because I tried reading this right to left, and wondered why the panels were out of order. I am awful.
That said, there are some REALLY nice hands on this page.
i love that kelly is curled up into ronnie. i interpret that as kelly taking comfort in ronnie, kinda putting herself in a safe space. see it as the softer side to kelly’s extrovert nature. warms the cockles of my heart.
… nothing wrong with therapy sex, but they should probably be careful. XP
Say hello to the River Liffey for me!
Yeesh, Kelly’s forgiving! Ronnie engaged in some potentially very triggering behaviour and all but accused her of being an abuser (exploiting people’s vulnerability to get them into bed being pretty fucking abusive behaviour), and they hook up again the same night?
Some people are very quick to forgive if it’s not a malicious mistake that is attempted to be fixed asap after, especially as Ronnie should have learned her lesson now and not be as quick to accuse people the next time.
Also, given that Kelly has been through something most likely terrible as well, she can probably empathize with Ronnie. I’ve been a part of groups like that and if I thought for one second that someone posed a threat to that group, I would have reacted just as badly and, at the time, my judgment about what was actually a threat was pretty bad. Having been in that position, I’d be quick to forgive someone who over reacted, even if they hadn’t yet realized their error. What’s more, I could completely understand someone who I was friends/sleeping with jumping to the wrong conclusion seeing me show up at that sort of meeting if they’d never told me about what they’d been through. When you’ve been through trauma, especially when it’s fresh, it’d easy to assume the worst of those around you. I’m not saying it’s okay or anything, just that I could understand it having been there and would forgive someone for lashing out.
Sometimes previously abused people can forgive wrongful behavior towards them far too quickly and easily. They have (likely) lived with others often going past their limits and not treating them with respect; the whole cycle of abuse thing and all.
Very nice hands indeed. And I’m in love with Kelly’s neck.
Whew, glad that all got cleared up. Even so, it was really dickish of Ronnie to immediately assume the worst. But dear god Kelly’s face is adorable! And the hands! Such beautiful hands!
if the Ice King wrote fanfiction for khaos…. this would be his version of Murfs and Steve. Because physically I’m having a hard time separating them lol.
Ronnie’s feet <3