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Warnings for talk of sex things.
I’ve finalised the script and cut as much as possible without wrecking the pacing so we’re looking at 16 pages. My apologies to Steve’s Dad, but narrative arcs come before gag a day!
In Livestream news- I’m off to Kitacon this Friday so the usual Friday morning livestream will be at 8pm Thursday evening instead! See ya then :D
It’s time to conquer VAGINA!!!
Been so looking forward to this one.
Also this text is a lot like one an ex sent me way back when.
Strange memories :P
D…Did you just sexy-fy the opening to Power Rangers?
I think that is exactly what just happened…
lol yes Harry totally just did that.
Funny, I thought it was Genie from Aladdin.
No, that’s “EEEAAAAAAAGGHHHHHHh!!!!! 10,000 years can give you SUCH a crick in the NECK!”
Aww, those texts are adorable. <3
Awesome start! I’m super duper excited!!!
This reminds me of me and my primary partner :) we can have fun with others but we always come back to each other :D
I always wonder about people who seem to think they get a vote in your relationship. Too much “Reality” TV methinks.
I think it depends on the circumstances. Friends voicing genuine concerns that a specific relationship may be bad for you is one thing (and potentially very helpful in getting out of an abusive situation), relative-strangers passing judgement is quite another.
Maybe, but I doubt that was what was being referred to. The situation here seems more like “oh no, your relationship doesn’t look exactly like mine, therefore it must be invalid and bad!” And unsolicited advice that presumes your relationship needs to be “fixed”, which can come from both strangers and friends/family
love the orange in her hair creating the texture.
also. “because kelly is *my business*”. heehee
Wow, sorry about all the caps!!
I literally just rocked on my feet reading this because OMG I totally identify with Ronnie!!! I have the same kind of relationship with my girlfriend. I don’t mind if she goes elsewhere to scratch an itch, as long as she comes back to me <3
Mmmmm Ronnie is stunning :) And Im currently involved with a woman who’s involved with other people and this is how I look at it- as long as she comes back to ME- then all that sex is jus that. Sex.
Im very interested to see where this goes :)
Ooh excited! Glad there’s a poly story to add to the mix
SO excited for this story!
Not only do we get to hear more from Kelly, we get to meet her awesome girlfriend Ronnie, AND get a look at how people manage having more than one relationship ~ something I’ve been curious about for a looooong time. Looking forward to hearing how they manage it and the discussions that follow =)
All I could think was “yay, a fellow leftie!”
i kind of feel like… i mean idk of course she’s perfectly entitled to tell people to fuck off because it’s her business, but like… as a mono person who gets REALLY JEALOUS but is in a relationship with a poly/demi person, i honestly do want to know how she deals with it. like, how does she not get jealous? how does she not freak out? i don’t ask because i want to be all up in her business (yes, i know she’s a fictional character) but because i want to know for myself.
I can definitely relate to that feeling of wanting to know how it works or how poly people (or those in relationships with them) “deal” with the jealousy (if there indeed is jealousy present on any end). I think you genuinely asking a friend (or Ronnie, if she was a real person) about how they deal with having a poly partner because you have one yourself and/or because you genuinely want to have a conversation (with both of you sharing your experiences regarding jealousy, etc.) would come off much differently than people asking Ronnie how she deals with Kelly “fucking around.” In your case, you would be genuine and it could be a real conversation without too much judgment. My guess is that the people Ronnie is referring to are really just trying to invade her privacy and have no real, genuine reason for wanting to know how she deals with it. They probably would not have a conversation with her about it, but instead are asking more to point out what a “bad girlfriend” Kelly is or to poke fun at how “abnormal” it is to have a partner who is poly (or to be poly yourself). [Just to be clear, I’m not saying these things are true, just that the people Ronnie is mentioning may believe them consciously or subconsciously.] I could be entirely wrong about this, but the sense I got from the language she used (“fucking around”) made me think that the people who ask really aren’t friends and have no good reason for asking. It’s similar to cisgender people (often strangers) who ask transgender people intimate questions about their genitals because for some reason they feel entitled to do so, despite having no good reason for asking and no right to know the information.
Freakin yes!
Wooop woop woop woop! *fist pump*
Now this is a story I really, really want to read (even more than I did before). ^_^
Kelly-Ronnie story whooo!
yayyy thank you for doing bi poly girls!!