And now begins the Kelly Story- but with a different point of view.
Kelly has previously been the light smutty relief, but this will be a much more intense story, with big warnings for explicit sex and depictions of abuse.
This story is dedicated to two very important people in my life. Thank you for sharing your stories with me, I hope I can do you justice.
Yay! I’ve been really looking forward to this story – it’s great to see Veronica after all these years of thinking “I wonder what Kelly’s gf is like?”
Oooooh, I’m looking forward to this!
This should be awesome.
*straps in*
I read that as *straps on*.
Saw the cover. ‘Wait, what? I wasn’t expecting this! Curvebaaaaalll.’
Read the description. Ohhhhhhhh. All makes sense now.
oooh nice! At first I was wait, what, who? But then read the description and remembered who she was, can’t wait.
I always wonder if people actually buy pants that look like that or buy regular pants and they just wear them out.
I would buy pants and then cut straight across at the knees so that they would look that way. I would call it my air vents. I even wore them in winter.
ahahaha, I wore mine out. I was so proud when the knees finally gave up the ghost and ripped. I had to repair the inseam about 3 times before the knees gave out. (Riding a bike day in day out will do that)
Believe me mine just end up like that. If I bought jeans with holes they wouldn’t last a month.
All I remembered when I saw this cover that there was going to be a story about Mark’s dad. So I was SUPER confused to see this!
Steve’s* dad. The internet doesn’t care about Mark’s dad. \o/
So which side story length was decided upon? Hoping it was 18/2 so Tab can show us all he had planned for this story!
Could someone remind me who Veronica is? I’m assuming she crops up somewhere in Khaos but must’ve missed it
Nope, this is the first time we’ve ever seen her. Kelly mentioned her once or twice in passing, but we never saw her in person.
I’m sorry but I don’t remember at all who is Kelly @__@ Is it the sister of one of the character ? Something like that ? I don’t even know which story to look at for it. *feeling dumb*
Yep she’s Alex/Murfs’ sister. Had a bit of a friends-with-benefits thing going with Nay for a while
Ha ok, thanks for the reminder ! :)