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FYI, not all trans guys are okay with using those parts, please don’t take Tom’s personal preferences as Word of God for what trans people like (or for any of my characters for that matter!)
There are no solid rules for what is okay or not okay for trans people to do during sex. I decided to include this scene as many trans guys have fun with their parts, but it’s not often that it gets represented.
Love their communication <3 <3
Same here. A real hallmark of Tab’s work so far is that whenever it gets to Sexy Times, EVERY ACT is preceded by a request. Even if it’s clear that Sexy Times is consensual, nothing from that granting of consent is done without asking first. No one assumes anything, everyone makes sure that only fun times are had. Really, this is like a Sexy Times Manual of Consensual Fun.
I love the communication, too… It makes the scenes all the more hotter :3
The communication tactics I learned from Tab’s comics have made me a better sex partner. I’m more honest and open about what I want, I know what my partner wants and expects from me before we begin, and I learned about lovely things like Yes/No/Maybe Sheets :)
its so great when you can be so open with someone that even in the middle of fun times you can start to ask them to do something you enjoy and the know excatly what you wanted and do it. lovely demonstration of comunication and fun and love :)
Yay tab for a fab page
Thanks for the disclaimer, Tab! The same, obviously, goes for us trans girls <3
The same also goes for us cis girls ^___^
Everybody, all genders, non-genders, HUMANS! Woohoo for humans and our awesomely complex biology and biochemistry!
I love you Tab ;^;
See, this is awesome to me. No stigma about gay sex or sex where one partner is trans or gay sex with a trans partner – it’s just about two people being intimate and honestly communicating about what they need/like/want from one another. I swear to good gravy if more people understood this no one would be squicked out about it and they’d also realize that it’s none of their damn business what other people do in the bedroom.
Communication. I wish more folk understood THAT’S what makes sex mind blowing.
I’m glad you made the choice of showing this kind of “preferences” because I’m sick of all the phallocentrism everywhere when trans guys are involved.
Just this week there was a “reportage” on TV about a trans guy having his bottom surgery done, where they said, I quote : “Now he’s a real man, since he’s got a penis.” “blablabla now he’s complete, he’s got his new body”, “phalloplasty is the last but also the most beautiful and important surgery for trans guys” etc -___-“””
Frankly, it’s good also to show other kind of people, for whom it’s ok to use their original parts, and without it meaning that they don’t consider themselves as “men”. I mean, you don’t have to be “agendered”, or “nor female nor male” to be ok with using your female parts…. You just can think of a man having a vagina AND a (even if small) dick and be frakking ok to use anything pleasurable you have… :)
Same for trans girls of course. :)
“Most beautiful”? Are they fucking kidding?
ugh, just what I was thinking, I’m afraid that body part is not lovely to me in any respect.
Love utterly love the communication here and very glad that Tom (in typical Tom fashion) once he decided to open up about things opened full blast. Why prior communication is so key (as well as having a permanent partner) when you hit the point of words failing/flailing and all you can moan is something incoherent about “do that thing like last time” and they know what you mean.
Also glad to see it shown that body dysphoria doesn’t have to preclude using what you have to the most enjoyment. As a lesbian I wasn’t cool with having anything in me for a long time, but eventually with much trust in a GGG partner I learned it could be quite nice (and much yays for lovers who can find the G-spot!)
I have a comment that is completely unrelated to your post, or any other post. That comment is this: I LOVE your hair!! Could you, pretty pretty please, share the brand name and shade that you use? I’ve tried several through the years, and can’t find such a prettyful shade! **Pouty face**
Bwahaha! Hair porn in the comments.
But seriously, I love your pic too. I once went with something like that, a blue-black, was it was too dark. What I wanted was a blue like yours.
Lol are you kidding? My intersex (not trans) had a phallo done a long time ago when he was 12 and it looks beautiful now.
Just because you read stupid stuff online, that doesn’t make it true.
Glad he’s just intersex and didn’t need a mast.
He was a man before the bottom surgery, so why would they say something like that? I know a lot of cis-gendered men who consider their penis to be a huge part of their identity and value it so much, but it doesn’t ‘make’ you a man any more than a vagina ‘makes’ you a woman.
There are plenty of trans people who don’t have surgeries because they feel they don’t need any to be completely themselves.
I mean, I’m a trans guy myself, but I don’t think I want the bottom surgery. I’m used to the parts I have, and a penis won’t make me anymore ‘me’ than I am. I’m not even considering hormones until I’m absolutely certain of every possible effect they might have on me, and whether or not I’d be prepared to face them.
But that’s okay.
Because they’re dumb, and they were clearly saying that phalloplasty WAS what actually made him “a man”. Worse : They were insisting that he was now “a real man because he had a functionnal penis”…. functionnal…. -_- … And of course “the only thin he can’t do is ejaculate, wich mean he can’t procreate”… Ok… Sure, sterile cismen don’t exist, thanks for them…
I think the worst part was that the trans guy was ok with them saying all that… He didn’t speak up for all other kinds of trans guys, he didn’t say he was already a man before the surgery… He said that his friends and all already saw him as a man, before the surgery, but that’s all…
Umm, stupid thing to fuss about… i like all the art and stuff but didn’t tom have dark roots (hair) before? and now they are kinda just gone >.<
I should shush now
Hmm. You are correct. Tab forgot to put Tom’s brown roots in on this page.
It’s probably an easy fix.
My hand is cramping up looking at how Alex has his positioned ow ow ow.
I like that you point out that not ever trans guys are the same when it comes to sex. I know of other trans guys who don’t like there junk touched or mentioned in anyway, where as I am fully okay with having my junk touched during sex or whatever. Though I don’t like to refer to it as anything but my junk (I don’t like the word vagina cause it makes me feel like my birth gender).
Junk is a great word :)
It’s nice we have this page, as I just recently started coming around to seeing that I can use that part of me without feeling shame or like I’m not a fake transboy. It’s nice to be reassured it’s okay to feel how I feel :)
Also, Tom is back to being naturally orange again.
You’re right Tab; it’s not common to have trans-guys who have fun with their bits represented. Hats off.