Sir, Butler and Boy ~ Pheasant Plucker ~ Cover
I really like the layout of this one- I should really line all the covers up together and frame them somewhere in my house!
In comic news on Friday I posted the final page of Issue 16 (Memories and Maidenheads) onto my $5+ Patreon tier ( bringing Sir, Butler and Boy (AKA GAY BUTT-LERS) to a close. You can read it now on there or continue on the main site where it will finish at the end of January.
I want to make it into a BEAUTIFUL book and hope to launch the kickstarter for that in February. If that works out okay I’ve got some stretch goals for a couple more stories for the book so it’s not goodbye forever.
In the meantime I’ve got the next comic to script, details of that and what’s going to happen with my patreon are over here:
Aww, man :/ I’m getting really emotional over this series ending soon….Probably going to cry when it ends, but I’m looking forward to your next project!
I had a little cry in the lead up but that’s because scripting stories makes me sad- Putting up the final page was weirdly like just another day!
Awww man! I’m sad it’s ending. But I may have to actually buy the promised pretty book <3
Now just to figure out where I'd be able to put it that my little can't find it anytime soon or my mother either! LOL!
I’m designing the book so if you take off the dust cover it’s subtle- just a black (hopefully leather style) book with the name stamped on the spine and the SBB logo
Brilliant! :D
Hey Tab – what ever happened to the Lady Sir, Butler, Boy? (pardon me for forgetting the name of it). Did that move strictly over to your patreon? Feel like I saw the one issue and then it stopped alternating… just curious!
People wanted to read about the boys more so I lost a bit of momentum on it! I considered looking at it again but not being a lady gay means I don’t feel like it’s my story to tell? I think to continue it I would need to work with a writer so it’s not just Another Dude Writing about Lesbians.
Totally understandable! Having been more familiar and connected with the boys at that point, I’ll admit that at first the ladies felt strange and unfamiliar. It would be great to see some lady kink, but definitely appreciate the route you’re taking. Please keep up the good work.
Maybe the magician, from the magicians choice? That one intrigued me a lot (one can hope)
Looking forward to that kickstarter, Im going to need it in my collection :D
I’ve read these stories over the weekend and had to catch a tear in the corner of my eye when I now read it’s already ending so soon. Be sure I’ll kick your campaign though, Tab! <3