Shades Of A 068
Beautiful backgrounds are beautiful!
The kickstarter finishes on MONDAY, which means you have a weekend to decide if you’d like to pledge or not! Here are a couple of production updates which might sway you:
I’ve started considering what to do for a Kelly story if we get there. Here’s a teaser for you:
My name is Veronica, Ronnie for short. I’m Kelly Murphy’s girlfriend, primary, partner, lover- whatever.
People often ask me how I deal with her ‘fucking around’. I tell those people to fuck off as it’s none of their business.
Because Kelly is MY business.
(Sounds fucking awesome ammiright?)
In physical stuff I’ve made up the first embroidery badge which goes to everyone who’s pledged KHAOS 4 LYFE or above.

I’ve also finished the book 4 extras ready to go to the printers! I’ve got character bios, old artwork, gender and sexuality FAQ’s and a section on consent, sexual abuse and tips for how to support a friend if they’ve been raped. A mixture of happy, sad and really fucking useful.
Can’t wait to get the stuff! And I really, really hope for Steve’s dad…
You hoped for Steve’s dad…and you got Steve’s dad!
I wonder if we’ll get to see a story blurb soon.
Ahhh I want to pledge but the currency conversion puts my total at well over US$100. T_T
Now I understand why my girlfriend covers my mouth when I ramble. My goodness.
Yeah, between the conversion rate and the cost of overseas shipping it really sucks to be living in the U.S. if you want to back this Kickstarter. I went for it anyway though…I figured I wouldn’t get another deal this good. I’d want all the books eventually and it would have cost more to buy each individually (over time, not all at once) and pay for overseas shipping for each. Not to mention I’d miss out on the awesome box.
Yay! I am so glad we’re getting stories about all of the main cast of Khaos, I really didn’t want to miss out on Jamie and Charlie!
I am also hoping for STEVE’S DAD! And the Kelly story sounds like it’s going to be epic.
I want the next page. Anwar is being adorable (kn the worst possible sense of the word and I want to hug him and cuddle him, with his consent of course). Christ on the other hand is being so mature. I would love them as a couple because they are just perfect <3
Poly stuff doesn't get enouhg good publicity so I'm really looking forward to Kelly's story.
Anwar is so adorably awkward! I think it’s great how much ‘War and Chris seem to balance each other out in terms of maturity in dealing with all this stuff. So excited for the next page!
I really hope we can get Kelly’s story because it sounds amazing~
My yesterday was: “chat, about what? Can’t I just use your sewing machine for one thing?” So this really strikes a chord. At the end we did also chat (and I got my patches sewn!) Waiting for what’s gonna happen next with A & C.
Hmm… & means friendship, / means ship… So, the friendship of Anwar and Chris is A&C, the ship of them is A/C. Do you know what this means? Their ship-name is airconditioning~
(I can in no way be held accountable for what I write after midnight.)
:D And AC is alternating current, guess that’s when you let them two too close ;)
And Anwar being a closed book re: expressing the feels… yeah, that’s me…totally, utterly and absolufuckinglutely >.>
Hey. Hey, Tab? Guess what… YOU’RE WRITING A DAMN KELLY STORY. *is exited*
Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story Kelly story :D :D :D
I just had a look at the Kickstarter and yelled “HELL YES KELLY STORY!” (in my mind, because my housemates are still asleep)
Now we’ve also passes 20k! I wonder what happens if we somehow reach 22k before it’s over. I mean, Tab hasn’t promised anything for that. But it would follow the trend of something new each 2k.
I’m so glad that Khaos is still running strong enough that the 20k+ mark could be reached. I’m extremely curious to see what “something with Steve’s dad” might be, buuuuut mostly I’m just amped over the new Charlie + Jamie side story and a Kelly story! :x
Again though, I’m really happy that Khaos still has enough punch with people to bring in 20k+ pounds in a little under a month.. it’s insane. x.x
How about Alex’s dad? Or Tom’s mom? Mark’s brother?? Tom’s Dad???