Shades Of A 049
I hope it’s clear that when JD uses the term ‘kinky sluts’ it’s a form of endearment. Because in JD’s world slut only means good things. Funny that.
I hope it’s clear that when JD uses the term ‘kinky sluts’ it’s a form of endearment. Because in JD’s world slut only means good things. Funny that.
alas, being ace is no save against loneliness or jealousy….
Aww, Anwar :(. (That makes 3.)
I don’t know if it’s just me, but the buttons for “Story Beginning,” “Previous,” Ärchive,” “Next,” and “Story End” are not working on Chrome.
On a different note: I love your comics. They make me happy and I can’t wait for the next page. :D
Nope, they’re not working for me either… *whines* I don’t wanna go to Firefox!
Oh and this comic’s awesome, you have improved so much!! (I’ve been around since you were updating Amber’s story :))
I have Chrome, and they’re working perfectly.
I’m using Chrome on a mac, though. I’m not sure if that makes it any different. I also suspect that I have a slightly-outdated version of Chrome.
Yeah, not working for me either. I’m using Chrome on windows
it’s not working for me either :( I’m on a Win.7 Chrome
I’m on the latest version of Chrome on a Mac, ans the buttons don’t work for me either. I have to find the latest update via the archives.
Like Kas, they’re working fine for me – Chrome on Windows 7 in my case.
Same trouble here! It’s making me a little nuts.
Okay, new information maybe. They seemed to be working earlier, but then didn’t seem to when I came back later. What I noticed is that the words aren’t properly aligned. They’re all squished to the left half of the box. If I move the mouse slowly, it finds a single point where it turns into a click finger – and works – but it isn’t over the word. (Each one is right before the word, though Story and Beginning are too close together, so I can’t get it for Beginning.)
Might are right on the edge of the first letter, except Story Beginning is a little further over. Try increasing your zoom to get the button a bit larger if you want to go to the story beginning. It still won’t be touching the S, but it is a bigger spot then.
Please consult a sober and well-rested techie who deals with HTML regularly before making any changes to your site.
That said, try getting rid of all those “text-indent:-1000000000px;” things from your navstyle.css file. On a Win7, it fixes the problem in Chrome28, and it doesn’t appear to cause any problems in IE10 nor FF22.
Again, please consult a sober and well-rested techie who deals with HTML regularly, since I am none of the above ^^;
Think that’s done it! Cheers for the help!
I found a work around. Go to the free archive, select the oldest SoA page you want to read, and then navigate forward by clicking on the comic page itself. I’m on mobile chrome.
The Next button wasn’t working for me today, so I ended up just clicking on the comic itself to advance. Not sure about the rest of the buttons.
JD in panel 3. JD IN PANEL 3.
OMG I love them.
I’m assuming it was Ellen and Kaydens choice to reclaim slut, not JDs on their behalf?
One of my highlights from last week was seeing someone with an “ANWAR” license plate. I tend lurk instead of commenting, but just thought I might say that I identify a lot with Anwar.
My heart goes out to Anwar in panel four for his expression but JD in panel two? Makes me want to glomp/ravish them =3
I absolutely love this comic so far, and i loved khaos too. I have too say i giggled and fell in love with the fact that one of JD’s kinky sluts have the same name as i do. I would so totally be one for JD.
Those expressions, every singe one is great! Anwar’s face in the last panel is wtf-pureness but he seems seriously hurt. I really feel sorry for him especially since I’m sure JD doesn’t realize it. They are probably just trying to change the subject real quickly and a little drunk as well maybe they are trying to hide what feelings they still have for A as well.
Also: No objection against the part about Chris or is A just too busy picturing JD’s hotties…please Tab, you have to draw them, you can’t let JD say they has sluts and then not show them
“squishable” as in SQUISHES? Holy asexuals! I’m really proud of that.
Also is JD promiscuous or polyamorous? I’m fine with either but I want to know. Or is it more complicated than that? All the possibilities!
That was my first thought too! YAY!
Oh man, Anwar’s sketched out face in the last panel, it conveys so much. Poor guy.
I’m going to fall in with the people who say JD is hot. It’s the eyes, man, their gorgeous.
I was thinking last night…what kinds of titles do genderqueer people use? (as in, alternatives to “Mr” “Ms” etc). The only gender-neutral titles I could think of were related to jobs/qualifications, like Doctor or Reverend.
They can use the title “Mx”.
I hadn’t thought about this either and I can’t imagine I would need to use it out loud, but how would you pronounce this?
This is from the UK Deed Poll Service:
“In October 2011, we introduced the title of Mx (pronounced Mix) as an option for people who do not identify themselves as either male or female and, therefore, feel a gender specific title such as Mr or Miss is inappropriate and unsuitable for them.
We are unable to guarantee that all record holders (i.e. government departments, companies and organisations that hold your personal records) will recognise your new title but we believe many will and in time all will. Initially, the problem will be record holders’ computer systems not being able to accept Mx as a title but when a significant number of people request record holders show their title as Mx a tipping point will be reached causing record holders to reprogram their systems to accommodate Mx as a title.”
Thanks! Mx seems a really good title, too – simple and elegant.
I also can’t help but think “mix master” like some sort of DJ which is silly of course. Words that connect to other fun phrases are great.
That’s really awesome! Is the UK Deed Poll Service an official government organization or something? If so, I wish we had something like that here in the U.S. advocating for non-binary options.
For me, since I identify as a genderqueer trans guy, I’ve been wondering a lot about how I’d want my future kids to address me, since neither “mom” nor “dad” feels quite right.
I don’t like titles like that in general, always seemed useless to me, so I never gave much thought to it.
I just finished reading Khaos, and then found the link to this one, and I just want to say, I’m really glad you expanded with an ace story, I really sort of missed that in Khaos. Your story telling is great, keep it up!
aww i want them all to be together :<
inb4 kayden is a transguy