Shades After page 85
Finally getting into the swing of drawing in the new manga studio! Here’s a beautiful page about a shitty thing happening.
Today is London MCM recovery day. XD
EDIT: Whoops, wrong page! Fixed now…
Finally getting into the swing of drawing in the new manga studio! Here’s a beautiful page about a shitty thing happening.
Today is London MCM recovery day. XD
EDIT: Whoops, wrong page! Fixed now…
Momwar: I just have one question before I eat it.
Anwar: Okay
Momwar: You didn’t get any of “the gay” on it, right?
Anwar: … No, mom.
I don’t think Mama War is going to be like that. She’s already said that it’s the age difference between Anwar and Chris that bothers her more than their genders.
Yeah I know, I was just joking. :P
Ah, sorry! Hard to tell tone online :)
Still wonder if she would have made a scene at the graduation if Chris were an older woman. I’m just sayin’…
Wait, I thought it was going to be a nice page? Anwar, Mum, and cake? Now I’m nervous about what might happen….? (Also, the artwork looks extra-beautiful. Wow. And THANK YOU, as always.)
Thank goodness what I thought would happen didn’t. *crosses fingers* Please be nice Momwar.
Gorgeous, gorgeous page :)
There’s the wrong page number at the bottom of the page.
Yeah, there’re a couple pages up on Patreon that seem to never have made it up here.
Um, the commentary on here was the same as a page that showed up in Patreon but not on site, whereas there is different commentary on Patreon for this page, so I don’t *think* this is supposed to be something bad happening.
I kind of wonder why she would ruin the boarder of the cake like that. He put in a lot of effort make make it, even if he did have help.
Just seems like a bad sign to me. :/ Hopefully the next page will prove me wrong!
Hmm… I’ll say nothing until I know what follows. But knowing the curve balls we often get courtesy of Tab, she may well be asking something like ‘Is it gluten free?’
My mental image of the UK as a semi-utopian land of equality and nice weather degrades by the day.
Our new Minister for Equality is a homophobe and our weather is…*interesting*, shall we say.
Is it just me, or did the page change? Like it switched? Or is that just my brain-stuffs?
It’s not you! It did change — I guess Tab uploaded the wrong page to start off with. That’s why all the comments are still talking about Anwar’s mum’s cake.
Oh, thank goodness, I’m not just being crazy again X3
The exact same thing happened to me.and my partner. Back then they were IDing as a cis-male. I’m trans male (mostly) and enjoy male pronouns, so the two of us are walking down the street and a guy drives by us and yells the exact same word! The mixture of feelings. 1.yay right gender 2.fudge off you arse.
Glad I forgot the day and checked back today!
Interesting note from a fellow Brit: my husband and I have never, ever had anything nasty said or yelled at us by strangers. NEVER. We’ve had good things from cars (“get in there son” while we were kissing and it made someone’s day when she thought she’d driven by at the right time to catch a marriage proposal,) but we’ve never encountered prejudice from strangers. Actually usually the opposite. A little from family- ironically one of the reasons my mother-in-law didn’t want him marrying a man was out of concern for his safety.
I’m really glad it was the wrong page… This is more what I was expecting, and when you said that it was something “not nice” happening, I was worried that his mum was about to say something terrible.
The universe . . . on a less fun day. :(