Shades After 076
Experimenting with how I arrange sounds- it’s not often I put sound effects within a balloon, but it’s in a different room so needed the tail to show that. Oh Comic book theory. :P
Experimenting with how I arrange sounds- it’s not often I put sound effects within a balloon, but it’s in a different room so needed the tail to show that. Oh Comic book theory. :P
This child tho. Then Anwar has to come in like “they wanted to divorce even before I got here. “
Well. That escalated quickly.
“Your parents are divorcing because they’re incompatible and being together was making both of them unhappy”
If she’s asking if he’s the reason she’s clearly not been told too much about why her parents are splitting up. Also assuming Anwar’s the reason shows she’s onto the romatic side of the relationship.
Also thanks for the general update to the sites appearance tab. This is the easiest time I’ve had posting a comment on mobile. And the look is really nice.
OHHH, the frantic run to remove a puking cat from atop a bed/couch/rug. I know it all too well.
Seriously, Anwar needs that question with a definitive “NOPE” and refer all further questions to Chris. Someone needs to give the kids some sort of decent explanation, and it should not be left up to Chris’s ex.
You’re right, that’s all he needs to say, but I have a feeling… what’s her name? She’s going to continue probing Anwar for answers.
“Who are you? What’s your relationship with my father?” That sorta stuff.
Poor kid. She’s lashing out at pretty much everyone because she’s hurting, and really doesn’t understand what’s happening. And considering the array of ways she’s lashed out at Anwar, no one’s explained the situation to her, or she think’s they’re lying to try to shield her from the “awful” truth.
Maybe it’s because my family split up once I was an adult, but I wonder if she’s mature enough to understand that sometimes you stop feeling for your spouse the way you did when you married, but that doesn’t change how you feel for your kids. Of course, my dad’s kind of the opposite of Chris, but I understand the principle of a loving father who just stopped loving his wife/couldn’t live a lie anymore.
I don’t think she’s lashing out (see my…thesis…below). Kid’s hurting. :(
On this page, you’re 100% correct, but I was taking this on top of everything she said/did in previous pages. But I agree with you. I think that what we were both trying to say is essentially the same thing.
Ah, I gotcha. Yeah, we basically said the same thing. My bad. XD;;;
Don’t worry about it!
Although, given that her mother’s reaction to seeing Anwar there was “Oh so you’re gay now?” or something to that effect, it could well be that the mother has explained all too much.
Or explained it all wrong and from an ignorant and biased perspective. Yeah. I see your point.
yeah if the mom was responsible/less vindictive she would work with chris to help re establish stability and security. they should show their daughters that they maybe divorced but that doent mean they arent a familly anymore. my parents divorced in my late teens and i think that really helped seeing my parents as still friends as ppl that can still get together and cellebrate our birthdays all together as a familly, go on vacation, help each other out with moving ect
I think I have a completely different perspective because I was only 5 or 6 when my parents divorced, but they explained it pretty clearly to me (they weren’t happy together, but would be happier apart/with other people and would always still be my parents/love me/take care of me) and that made perfect sense to me. I was completely okay with it.
That’s the feeling I’m getting here. Mum’s influenced a lot of her behaviour so far from what I can tell.
Don’t I know it! There is nothing like hearing these telltale noises right next to your ear while asleep. As there are mere seconds between the count, so to say, and “liftoff”, its a sure way to get you awake and in action!
Hahaha those 3 first panels. I can tell you, I actually HEARD the sounds you wrote. Maybe that’s because I have the same long-haired cat with (incredibly and quite worrying) long hairballs… x) coughing themin the bedroom also… I could almost smell it. lol
In a (well 3) word(s) : Sounds were perfect. ^^
oh my god theyve been keeping her in the dark abt why they are divorcing. like even when its hard as fuck, you should sit with the children and explain. considering chris’ ex no wonder they havent been able to do that tho. i don’t think shes lashing out here, i think she just found a possible answer to something that has been definitely eating her. hopefully anwar will deflect until chris gets there, i feel this is the kind of thing that only parents should explain, tbh.
yeah… but a heavily edited version at that age. and then maybe have a heart to heart when shes older. my parents were divorced when i was 15 but i didnt find out exactly why till i was 19 mostly cuz my sister told me they were going to wait for us to ask why and i couldnt till i had some emotional distance from the situation. but then again its also important to help her not take sides not demonize one parent as the one at “fault” that just makes things harder on everyone.
I suspect Chris has kept it under wraps because he doesn’t want to hurt the kids any more than he already has. I bet he’s also worried that if he contradicts their mum at all, she might keep him from seeing his kids.
Next page
Anwar: Nope
Kid: Swag, let’s be pals
Keeping those girls in the dark is not gonna help things any better. But then again, doesn’t seem like an easy situation to explain to his kids:(
Super simple answer: “No. I didn’t even meet your dad until well after that started.”
Having lived with many longhaired cats over the years…I know dat feel. Daily thing here in my house.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand…ow. I could handle that last panel better if Eldest Daughter was being an ornery, angry brat, but she’s not. She’s actually showing that she’s hurt by her parents splitting up, and that makes me so mad at her mum. Now it remains to be seen, but I think she’s searching for honesty here. Her mum’s almost definitely been lying to her, and we know Chris hasn’t said anything (either cuz her mum poisoned her against him or he doesn’t know how to tell the kids or some blend of both). Now, assuming her intentions are pure and she’s not going to be a brat, she’s hoping that SOMEONE will be honest with her for once, and the unfortunate soul who gets to decide what to tell her is Anwar. On top of all that, Anwar can take that question any possible way, and his reaction is what’s got me nervous.
That makes me hurt for her so badly, and at the same time it makes me sweat cuz I know what it’s like to be in the sort of spot Anwar’s in. :(
I like this little girl. I hope Anwar does too.
Aughck I totally know that cat noise. Run Chris RUN!
And I can’t wait to see Anwars response.
I feel bad now Chris and his ex don’t seem to have told these kids anything. I mean they could have given a generic “we just fell out of love” explaination…
The younger kid (I’ve forgotten the names already) would fall for that I suspect, but the older one is too cynical now.
If she was told about the years of ‘lets stay together for the kids’ then she’d know not to bother asking.
So glad my mum divorced my dad before I was five. I was young enough to stutter, but not old enough to remember.
The sound effects in a bubble confused me, I thought it was Anwar making the noises! xD
for the sound effect quandary (because the speech bubble is a bit confusing), perhaps you could leave the words out of a bubble and just have a quick line indicating direction (to serve the purpose of the tail)?
She carefully waited until her Dad was out of the room. I agree with some other commenters–she’s looking for honesty.
Huh. Um, how old are the girls? It looks like neither of their parents had explained anything to them. Leaving them in the dark. Harsh. Hopefully Anwar doesn’t freak out. He is capable of handling this calmly, or freaking out, and I hope he chooses the former.
And now we know why she was so hostile.
I’m not kidding you, I read this, I laughed, I was thinking of a witty thing to comment, and instead I heard HAAACK HURK KHAUCK! My cat has impeccable timing.
really hope she gives Anwar trouble for a long time to come. A truly great antaganist.
See… now I want a long haired cat. Just so I can use hairballs as an excuse to save me from awkward moments. I can just see it in my house now… sorry, can’t change that nappy, gotta stop the cat yakking on my bed. ;-)
Or of course… it could free up space for nice awkward and totally blunt conversations like this one.
*is hooked*
Well the good news is even short haired cats will vomit on your bed!
True enough. Used to have a tuxedo cat called JC who would crap, yak and vomit on my bed every chance she got. Bitch.
I miss that cat!
Hmm. You know, I’m looking at this post again and hoping it’s clear that my cat was the bitch, and not you!
Ugh. Why can’t my brain keep up with my fingers when I write. o.O
Ah, so THAT’S why she’s so against him. My own parents’ divorce had nothing to do with cheating, but I imagined I’d have felt the same way if I were her.