Shades After 073
Sorry for the delay- had some wonderful site issue to come back to! Let me know if you notice any bugs knocking around the website, we’ve been limited on CPU usage again and had some cache bugs.
Sorry for the delay- had some wonderful site issue to come back to! Let me know if you notice any bugs knocking around the website, we’ve been limited on CPU usage again and had some cache bugs.
Anwar is so calm about this. Poor thing has had a lot of time to comes to to terms with it.
But Chris is over there having a heart attack and hoping to god his kids don’t ruin his new relationship.
Older girl (Hazel?) look like she just swallowed her tongue, though.
If I’d said what she just said I wouldn’t know what to do with myself either.
Man, Tab is going all out with the facial expressions.
Anwar: :|
Younger daughter: :(
Older daughter: X(
Best comment ever
Chris is changing eye colour in the 3rd panel.
Also noticed that. Sudden brown-eye’d Chris!
Brown? They look blue on my screen…How odd!
I see it as white and gold.
You are my new favorite person
OMG I just knew someone would say that!
Chris’ face is freaking excellent on this page.
Well, that certainly explains a lot about Anwar’s periodic emotional regression into childhood.
I’d be dead if I were in Chris’ shoes.
Good news is older snot *might* have learned a lesson.
The lil one seems mostly curious to me.
And that is pretty big of Anwar to handle it calmly. I’m proud of him.
And I think that’s part of the reason why he’s calm. Little one is asking out of honest curiosity and Anwar is answering honestly back. I dunno if him and eldest will get along but maybe with the younger one.
Also I’m pretty heartbroken that’s what happened to Anwars Dad.
Yeah. :(
oh my god this is so horribly awkward over and over again; i am loving everyone’s expressions these past couple pages. (ah, ‘War, I feel you on the “having to explain about deceased parent” awkwardness)
I know I shouldn’t laugh (I feel bad for Anwar), but Chris’ faces are too funny
Uh it’s not showing up for me I tried switching browsers but that didn’t work!!!
Yay!!! it’s working for me now!!!
I can’t see the page for some reason. Could be something wrong on my end, but I’m using chrome for a web browser, if that helps owo;;
Also, my comp is a MacBook Pro. Hope that helps >w<;;
I have a Mac Pro too and I can see it fine
I can’t see the page either, I have an Acer laptop.
I found a bug: there’s no comic. I’ve refreshed a few times and tried an alternate browser, and there’s still nothing between the navigation bars – not even an image placeholder. I also checked the page source, and found a div with the ID “comic” and nothing in it, so I’m pretty sure the problem is not on my end… which makes it a little odd that 11 people have commented on the comic and I’m the first to report a problem.
Yeah, other people are able to see it. Most of the other comments are talking about it and that’s why I’m so confused D:
Site’s working fine for me, but Tab, you forgot the girls’ freckles!
They’re so shocked that even their freckles paled!
Was having the same image loading problem as other people, just now had it show up. And my, what a page. ‘War is so fucking graceful in these last few pages, I’m really looking forward to how this scene unfolds.
Augh, poor Chris, first he’s freaking out over the girls putting their feet in their mouths at the dinner table and then freaking out again because I think this is also his first time hearing how Anwar’s dad died (poor ‘war, I really feel for him, but also good on him being able to handle their questions with such equanimity). I think the older girl (Hazel?) is by her expression feeling really bad for her snarky questions, not everything is about you honey and other people have suffered worse than you. Not that it’s a competition or anything, but hopefully this might impart a little empathy in her.
I think this is one of my favourite pages of Shades of A :) It’s just… so much emphaty going around, their expressions are so real you end up feeling for all of the characters.
*gets hat on so she can tip it to Tab*
Not gonna lie: I’m glad that the older daughter’s embarrassed. I shouldn’t be, but I am.
No, you should be. It means she has a soul and is capable of empathy, traits that will serve her well in life. Be glad for that.
Oh my god, Chris’s face in the last panel!! This is so much to handle all at once! Did Chris know about Anwar’s father’s death before this? I wonder how this will affect future relations with children, especially oldest daughter…
He knew that Anwar’s father was dead, but not exactly how it happened – on a date of theirs, he began to ask and Anwar said “Let’s not.”
Hello, little Chris babies. Let me tell you about murder.
I appreciate Anwar’s honesty, and I agree that that is often the best way to talk to kids, but I still wonder if Chris is going to be uncomfortable with Anwar telling his kids about how people get stabbed in the world.
The big thing I’m hoping is part of the older girl’s expression is the realization of just how absolutely lucky she is to have her dad alive.
Oh, wow. My face right now is about the same as the younger girl’s in the last panel. Just… Wow.
Older one’s definitely realizing she may need to pick her words a little better in the future.
I admire Anwar so much for being able to say that so plainly. He has all my compassion.
Welp, looks like Chris’s oldest is about to choke on her own foot. Hope that taught her a lesson.
And poor Chris, calm down, Anwar is not gonna dump you because you have a typical teenage daughter.
Poor, poor Chris. That face!
Though frankly put, the conversation will probably do some good for that older daughter of his. Teaching her that if you don’t know a person that well, be cautious of what you ask…
On a whole other note, Tab, I LOVE how you’ve articulated the similarities between Chris and his children. They’re such a realistic family, in terms of the dynamics between them as well as their physical similarities.
It’s always weird to explain that kind of stuff to people. After a while, having lost your father just becomes another fact about your life. It may be uncomfortable to dwell too much on, but healing doesn’t come with avoidance. Mostly I don’t bring it up without a direct question because of how uncomfortable people get thinking they’ve just hit at something terribly painful. Always with the “I’m sorry” when all I can think to reply is usually “Thanks, it is what it is.”