Shades After 061
And it’s flashback time! I’ve tried to capture the air of bad student lettings, people in the UK will know exactly what I’m talking about. XD
And it’s flashback time! I’ve tried to capture the air of bad student lettings, people in the UK will know exactly what I’m talking about. XD
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what is a binder?
Something you wear to flatten your chest.
Well, duh. For some reason I thought it was a British term I’d not heard before. I was right about the dumb part. :)
Also, love Anwar’s cuddle with Poof, but not sure Poof is liking it much! Haha!
Do the feel bad. i know someone who was taking part in a online conversation on a LGBT positive space on a form on binding. One person was asking for advice on where to get a binder. Someone recommend a school binder for note book purposes.
I meant don’t
I thought JD somehow got themselves stuck on a 3-ring binder.
I’ve done that! If one tries to close the rings with one’s hands, apparently one’s fingers run a very high risk of getting stuck in the little teeth. And it hurts like the dickens!
Panel 2’s the cutest!
It looks like JD has an Adam’s apple in the last panel
Everyone has an Adam’s apple, they just vary in prominence.
I get what you mean. Generally, women’s adam’s apples are not noticeable while men’s are.
A lovely woman friend of mine calls hers an “Eve’s pear”
First two panels… the adorableness!
Oooo flashback time!
Awwwwww, love Anwar’s response to Chris – don’t just go get pretty, but suggesting a color to match the eyes!
I absolutely love that. The way Anwar does it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy because it sounds like he’s encouraging Chris to really be himself, and show that he is okay with Chris expressing himself in the way he needs to.
Do we not get to see dressed up Chris? Though flashback time!
I love the squish and adorableness in the first two panels~
Is it odd that my immediate acknowledgment of the flashback was noticing Anwar’s long hair before noticing JD in the foreground, or the shoddily taped posters, or the fact that there was no JD at all in previous panels ?
Just wanted to take a minute to squee over the fact that my html worked, and I’ve officially had a computing victory before noon (EST, USA)!
Is that Sir Fabulous I see? I believe it is!
So excited to see Tab comics address genderqueer stuff. SQUEEEEEEE. representation.
Also, dat dragon…
Oh, bad student lettings, I remember you well > <
My first reaction when I saw the last panel was that JD was in the midst of orgasm and ‘War was walking in on it? :$
I wonder if there’ll be a discussion at all on binder use and fat bodies. I’ve worn a binder in order to de-transition to visit family and as a fat body, binders hurt like hell. >.> Also, makes it generally harder to breathe and digest things. Not to mention, all the marks left behind by said binder on my skin. ANYWAYS. My personal experience with binders.
I don’t think it’s particularly “fat-related”, as X(X)S binder are also that hard to get on with when not particularly “fat”. First time with a binder, I couldn’t finish my meal at the restaurant : First. Time. Ever. Marks on shoulder (like hematomas lasting months after having stopped wearing binders), issues breathing and eating, back-aches… I had it all, and I’m not fat, and didn’t have big chest to bind… So yeah, binders are tough (the newer the tougher), and for everyone ^^
I know this is years old, but binders should not hurt that much. Ideally, they shouldn’t hurt at all. If it’s causing problems like that, it doesn’t fit you or isn’t made properly. You should be able to take near to full breaths while wearing one, and it shouldn’t pinch or leave marks (except sometimes sweat marks, which one gets wearing tight clothing in the heat). I’ve had some issues with hunger suppression with one of the three I have, because my chest is funny shaped (my rib cage flares out at the bottom), but I can wear even new ones all day without pain or aches, and take full breaths. I’m skinny, but I’m definitely not lacking in the chest material category.
Those fat little cheeks of his! I think our Poof is a British Longhair kitty~~ At least, I like to think so, what with the sturdy body, round head and classic round muzzle – but with a long-enough nose to discount him as a Persian.
That is, did you use British longhair cats as a design base?
Anwar, you and Poof and supporting Chris with what he likes is super cute. It might just be me, but it really makes it feel like they’re a little family, doing sweet things like including the cat in the whole thing. ♥
Wooo, student digs!
Man… I remember those days. What dumps. -___-
I’m seriously curious as to what binder type, maker, etc. someone with JD’s body type uses. I have yet to find one to accommodate my large chest and super noticeable upper body curves.
Note/PSA (if anyone is reading comments a year later): Binders should not cause anything beyond minor discomfort while being worn, or they are the wrong ones for bidy type (usually wrong materials, sometimes wrong size). They can be uncomfortable to take on and off, but there should be minimal breathing restrictions and no lasting harm. I recommend LesLoveBoat to those who can afford it. And remind people that cis men, especially cis men who are not stick shaped but even gangly cis men, do also have chest material and are not flat up top.
*body type