Shades After page 80
Am I the only one who gets excited about round numbers? Happy page 80!
Here’s some awkward renegotiation of boundaries between a parent and child. I don’t know about other people but when I’m pissed off at someone my personal space bubble gets twice as large.
Aw, the kids like him!
I just got cold all of the sudden….
It’s HER. >8C
I’ve never given much thought to round numbers, but numbers that are divisible by three make me so happy for some reason!
I always love seeing primes.
I’m a round number man myself. I have dyscalculia (which my phone wants to autocorrect to dye alfalfa) which is a learning disability that affects the area of the brain which deals with numbers (and some other stuff.) So numbers that have easy patterns to them make me happy. Numbers ending in zeroes are best but my brain can latch on to fives as well!
Really? 5 and 0 make me happy as well. Makes me pissed the US didn’t do more to introduce the metric system
Funny story: I round people’s ages down to the nearest five or zero. Not on purpose, but my closest friends have been stuck at 30 and 50 for the past three years. When they hit 35 and 55 my brain will catch up, then stay there for the next five years.
Dyscalculia! Tricking you into accidentally flattering your friends.
My only regret is that Anwar can’t drape himself over Chris this time.
Aaaaand if I ever needed confirmation that mum was ripping into her ex and his new partner, *THAT* was it.
What just occurred to me is that she might be trying to be responsible about it: not talking about it in front of her kids. But kids are sneaky and mischievous, so they might hear her talking to friends about it.
Though, that might be giving her too much credit, considering she is making *NO* effort to hide her disdain in this situation.
Ignoring the mom’s react. BUT D’AW, hazel is so cute, and it looks like Pearl and Chris are gonna patch things up! Good for them :)
I get more excited about prim numbers or their powers…
High five!
Uh oh. C’mon, lady, don’t be a colossal bitch
At first I mistook Hazel for Pearl hugging Anwar as a means of getting at her mom, but I realized it was the younger of the two and I think she’s adorable.
:C I’m just hoping that the ex won’t make this into another reason to keep Chris’ kids away from him. (The whole “you’re seeing a man” thing, but that remains to be determined)
Oh for goodness sake, Chris’ ex seems like the jealous and vengeful type.
Freckle Babies!
I’m going to throw Chris’s ex a tiny bone here, because Chris did say before that he came out badly & publicly, and probably in a very embarrassing way for his then-wife. The only interaction we’ve seen between them before this was when they were alone, and from Pearl’s question to Anwar about why her parents are splitting up, there’s a good chance she hasn’t been discussing it with the girls.
Tab has a history of surprising us with good behavior from their characters, especially parents. Keeping my fingers crossed here.
Good behavior from parents? Momwar made a scene at her son’s graduation. His day, and he came out to his family. She still hasn’t apologized.
wait, have they met before? I don’t remember
Yes, she met Anwar when Anwar did the thing where he like held Chris while Chris masturbated. Anwar stayed the night and then the next morning when Anwar woke up and came out into the kitchen she was there. At least I think it was that night I’m not quite certain but they have met before, yes.
Yep! This is when they met:
“You made my husband gay! He was a NORMAL until you came along!”
Gendered slurs and violence, woo hoo. :\
Oooo, that woman. She is just so- I get the hurt and the confusion. People get that way, but does she have to be so poisonous?! *sad face*
weeeell…………..yes. I know it was a completely unplanned that ‘War was there but in her head she is flipping out because she was not given a heads up. While I’d like to believe I would react in an even keeled manner if the man I thought I was going to spend my life (and has two children with) with revealed to me his deep need to dress up in pretty dresses, be tied up and was attracted to me…….I probably would not. Now throw in a messy divorce and boom! No ones coming out exactly cordial.
I gotta agree with Zathura here. In all honesty I don’t have a problem with cross dressing, or bondage(I do have my lines, but have allowed previous partners to cross with other people as long as I knew before it happened). I would just hope that my partner would have trusted me enough to be honest with me before we had kids together or got married. I think part of her anger at Chris is that she feels he didn’t trust her enough to be honest with her, and to be honest I would be furious with an ex(especially ex-spouse) who didn’t trust me. Now she is taking that anger at him out on Anwar. Not right, but a combination of hurt/anger is often not logical or right.
Also gotta love Anwar’s response to clearly angry woman and Hazel either making situation a million times worse or slightly defusing it.
Yeeah, you’re both right.
I guess I just feel soooo bad for Chris and for ‘War. Tab has done a fantastic job of making me care for these to and, like all folk I care for, I’ve become a bit protect of them!
Trust is a big, important thing and I know for sure that the lack of it in both parties is what killed the relationship before my current one. I can’t articulate how hurt and angry I might feel if my current partner, the one with whom I have two children, came out with something he didn’t feel able to share. Particularly because our relationship IS so open in all other ways.
I guess I’m quite lucky, and I know I’m drifting from point to point – ugh, so tired! – but I think what I’m trying to say is, I do emphasise, even if I can sympathise (I’m sure it’s that way round), but I wish she wouldn’t hurt them with her hurt. o.O
Okay… words are hard. Need chocolate now.
Ugh. Her again. >:C
I’m glad to see Pearl’s attitude change toward her dad. That’s a huge relief. Hazel’s love for ‘War already is so endearing. <3
Just re read this whole thing (A, not People’s stories) and I kept squeeing and trying to vet my sister to read it. This story is so fun and so good.
I hate parents like that. The ones that have no self control and decide to use their own kids against their ex/significant other. If you can’t deal too bad. That doesn’t mean you get to manipulate your own children or lose it in front of them. How dare you lady. If I was a bystander I’d give her a piece of my mind after they took the kids to another part of the apartment. *growls angrily*
ho damn, things bout to get SERIOUS!
Personally I see in Pearl a kid who wants to be affectionate to her dad, but feels like she’d be betraying her mum to do so (especially in front of her). Though going from Susan’s reaction, I really hope Pearl calls her mom out on slurring her dad/Anwar.
Also Hazel is undoubtedly the cutest.
Jeezz… What jerk of a woman. It seems like no matter what she is going to hate ‘War. Even more so now that at least one of the kids likes him A LOT.
I am unhealthily obsessed with round numbers and 5’s.
Hazel is utterly adorable. Mom is… ugh! She had better not yank Hazel away and accidentally hurt her, that’s all I’m saying. (I’ve seen that reaction way too many times.) Still, I kinda hope for a small “scene” just to have the kids side with “Mr. ‘War” and Miz Bitch stomp off in a huff.
It’s nice to see kids so young that they’re still untainted. Anwar’s a cool guy, he’s making an effort to get on with the kids, of course Hazel likes him.
And if it pisses off her shoehorn of a mother, even better for the readers. >:D
folks, it is REALLY not ok to use words such as “bitch” to describe anyone. the character of Chris’s ex is being totally unreasonable and is probably a horrible person, but to describe her as a “bitch” is downright misogyny.
that’s my 2 cents.