Shades Of A 003
Panel 3 is actually taken straight from the location of a real BDSM meetup place in the UK. Whilst drawing it I realised that as an English person I often take the architecture in the UK for granted. We have some seriously beautiful buildings, and that’s only a scummy backstreet road.
See you thursday as usual!
Good lord it is pretty. I don’t envy your years of history and ghosts, though. Also, my god that hair is pink. My girlfriend wanted hair that shade |:
Hey, is that the ‘Bound’ club in DC, or a similar setup?
Nope, I live in England.
I recently went to a fetish club and was also surprised at the location haha ^.^
But it honestly was a good time- everyone was very kind :)
A bow tie? Really? To a fetish club?
bow ties are cool.
Surely, you must have seen “stranger” things at a fetish club? ;)
I know I have.
New character is super hot.
Looks like where the London Fetish Fair is to me. I completely love the new character’s style.
Okay…excited to read this…